Monday, May 5, 2008

Lindsay Lohan Photo in Drunk Driving Ad

As shown in the video clip below, Lindsay Lohan’s mugshot was used as part of a campaign by the American Beverage Institute, a group that supports the alcohol industry. The ad appeared in USA Today on Friday.

The mug shot is used in an ad attacking legislation for devices that measure blood alcohol levels inside a car - preventing the car to start until the device has done a measurement. The legislation would require the device for drunk driving offenders, including first-time offenders. The ad reads:

"Ignition interlocks are a good idea for [Lohan’s mug shot] But a bad idea for us [other people drinking]."

The American Beverage Institute says they used Lindsay Lohan because she’s high profile and had multiple DUIs. They want there to be a distinction between first-time offenders and multiple offenders.

There are multiple issues at stake. First, that the ad does not clearly state that it was paid for by the liquor industry. Second, that it suggests that first-time offenders who perhaps that had champagne at a wedding should be excluded (which makes it acceptable, by extension, to drink and drive). And third, though the mug shot is a part of "public domain", its use was, it could be argued, clearly intended to pass judgment on Lindasy Lohan.

Lindsay Lohan’s lawyer, Blair Berk, responded to the ad, calling it irresponsible:

"Drunk, old, white businessmen, drunk cougars out for girls night out, and drunk wedding parties should be kept off the roads of America. Lindsay Lohan fully endorses ignition interlock devices that have been well-proven to save lives"

What do you think? Should they have used Lindsay Lohan’s photo in this way?

Source: Associated Press, Tags: lindsay lohan, lindsay lohan dui, mugshot, alcohol, interlock, beverage industry, american beverage institute, lindsay lohan mugshot

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