Friday, April 18, 2008

Lindsay Lohan: True Hollywood Story

More of this segment further in the post…

This video segment from True Hollywood Story (THS) tells the Lindsay Lohan story. It was aired last night by E! (perhaps as a run-up to the Living Lohan reality series?). It starts off with Lindsay Lohan’s childhood, as told by Dina and with others interviewd. Lindsay Lohan Story

From Dina Lohan’s start as a mom with little Lindsay, to the troubled Lohan family life, which started right when Lindsay was a toddler. The video shows a lot of adorable pictures of Lindsay Lohan as a kid (screencaps below), as they chronicle Lindsay’s first moves in modeling. We follow Lindsay has her career progresses, and sadly as her family life falls apart.

Lindsay Lohan StoryLindsay Lohan StoryLindsay Lohan Story
Click to enlarge - more after the jump

Here are the other 5 parts to the Lindsay Lohan True Hollywood Story:

Lindsay Lohan StoryLindsay Lohan StoryLindsay Lohan StoryLindsay Lohan StoryLindsay Lohan StoryLindsay Lohan StoryLindsay Lohan StoryLindsay Lohan StoryLindsay Lohan Story
Click to enlarge

Screencaps: with permission, credit: E! ; Tags: lindsay lohan, lohan, lindsay lohan kid, lindsay lohan pictures, lindsay lohan biography, lindsay lohan story, dina lohan, lohan, michael lohan

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