Saturday, April 5, 2008

Lindsay’s Album Is On Track

The rumors about problems with Lindsay Lohan’s 3rd album were, as we thought, untrue. has talked to various sources, uncovering the truth. The album may be coming within a few short months!

"She already has four songs [completed]. It’ll be a fall release and they’re looking to sneak a single to radio this summer," a source close to Lohan tells PEOPLE.

Fabulous news! Lindsay Lohan’s rep also denies that Lindsay has been anything but co-operative during the album process. Timbaland’s people also confirm that Lindsay has not had meetings with them to cancel. And, here’s more:

A Universal Music Group spokesman told PEOPLE in a statement: "Recent reports about Lindsay Lohan and the status of her upcoming album are completely and factually untrue. What is true is that she continues to be extremely focused and hard at work on the project. And as a company, we are looking forward to releasing the album when she is done."

Lindsay Lohan was photographed early on April 4th hanging with her good friend Patrick. They went to Fred Segal on Melrose Avenue, Chris McMillan Salon in Beverly Hills, and even stopped for food at Taco Bell.

Photo Credit: WENN /

Photo Credit: WENN /

There is also a photo on of Lindsay Lohan at JFK airport on thursday. She looks cute!

Tags: lindsay lohan, lindsay lohan candids, lindsay lohan photos, lindsay lohan pictures, celebrity, entertainment, celeb

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